Thursday, December 16, 2010

New York Nun Accused of Embezzling Almost $1 Million While Gambling

  Some stories are just plain bizarre. Sister Marie Thornton, former Vice President of Finance at Iona College in New York, "is charged with sending phony invoices to the school to pay off personal credit card bills and expenses." Between 1999 and 2009 is when the thefts occured until Thornton resigned from the College. This is where the humour comes in. Sister Marie is actually accused of gambling the embezzled money away on her frequent trips to Atlantic City. According to the Iona basketball coach, the nun had a reputation for visiting Atlantic City.

 Anyone else find it ironic that a nun not only stole but gambled away around $850 000? The good news: the school was able to recover most of the missing funds. The bad news for Iona is that it is under heavy scrutiny for not reporting that there was a substantial amount of missing money. Alumni and Donors are very upset and rightfully so. Why give to a cause that has shown so much irresponsibility? The Iona College are also at fault here for not reporting the missing money until 2009! I really don't feel much sympathy for the Institute. You would generally think to question a nun who has the financial means to travel to Atlantic City as often as she did and continue to gamble for such a long period of time. The nun entered a plea of not guilty, to federal embezzlement charges. Only time will tell is this Sister will be behind bars sometime soon.

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